CG Production Pipeline

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01. Idea

Point of departure and crucial step. You share your idea with us and we help you reach for the best solution and form a general concept. 

02. Story

It includes an outline of all the events you will see, characters that will appear on a screen, but also dialogues and additional sound tips.  

03. Storyboard

A storyboard is a base for a video and it helps us to visualize a script. We draw out every single shot to make sure a plot is transparent for everyone. 

04. Animatic

At this stage, an animated version of a storyboard is being created. Here we put together images and combine it with sound, so you get an idea what a scene will look like, feel motion and timing.  

05. Design

Basing on your script, references and guidance, we create every single object you will see in a video. Characters get shapes and colors, sceneries emerge on a paper or on a screen.

06. Layout

The layout represents a setup of elements. We arrange objects in space, shot by shot, to build up a scene and consider the best camera angles.  

07. Research & Development

R&D is a testing ground that helps us optimize a process and make it more efficient. By experimenting with tools and ideas, we seek the best solutions for unprecedented tasks.

08. Modeling

Here 2D images created at step 5 are transformed into 3D. We build armatures for all the characters and sculpt them until they look good from every possible perspective. 

09. Texturing

Textures and colors are created for each asset. We manipulate the surface and decide whether it will be smooth, rugged or wavy by adding scratches, cracks, wrinkles or even rust.  

10. Rigging

Rigging gives you control over characters and objects – it determines how things move and react. We embed muscles, joints and hinges to reflect natural gestures or facial expressions. 

11. Animation

Action! Running gorillas, fighting tanks and car chases are made at this stage. Animators bring all characters and objects made in 3D to life.  

12. VFX

Here we tame forces of nature and work on every interaction. Creating fire, smoke, water or elements of an explosion. Also, at this stage we do hair dynamics and clothing simulation.  

13. Lighting

Lighting allows us to highlight or hide elements that are crucial for a narrative. By changing its intensity or tone we can bring more emotions or significantly affect the mood of a shot. 

14. Rendering

Rendering is a process of drawing for a computer, which means it has to calculate & process commands we have set. During rendering, we break down each shot into dozens of layers, so it is easier to modify a picture selectively

15. Compositing

Compositing is the combining of multiple visual elements from separate sources into a consistent image. At this stage, we compose what was rendered by placing one layer on top of another.

16. 2D VFX/Motion Graphics

These are graphic images in movement. Our goal is to enrich the video with graphic content like 2D graphics, sliding texts, title sequences, credits or bubbles in a creative yet adequate way.

17. Color Correction

The last stage of post-production, where we can develop a unique tone for a particular shot and scene. We focus on improving colors, so they match with the overall mood of the video. 

18. Final Output


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New York

41 Flatbush Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11217, USA

+1 332 331 8730


ul. Dziekońskiego 3 (Building B2, 4th floor)
00-728 Warsaw, Poland
+48 530 000 795


Marta Krol
Head of Operations
+48 530 000 795

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